This first one is "Maybelle" she is fairly shy and usually runs away when I come to see them. Over all she is mild tempered, and once she is being held, she is pretty relax and often will close her eyes as if to sleep....either that or she is scared to death;)

This is "Dotty" her name came from her breed which is a Silver-Laced Whyandotte...she is also fairly shy and mild tempered, but once you catch her she is easy to hold.
This is "Mary" she was the first one we named the day we got her. She is friendly, but easy going and very even tempered. Her name came from the color of her fluff (lucky her new feathers are the same color)and while this may not make my mom very happy, she reminded me of her because of her pretty red "Mary" it is!!...... I am hoping she lives a long and happy life:)
Now THIS little Lady(I think?) has not officially been named. She was about 4 days older than the others and I went all the way to Pleasant Hill to get her because I heard that Buff Orphingtons are very docile and friendly and I thought she would be good for the kids. Well, "Friendly" is an understatement if you ask me. She is INTENSLY friendly and loves to come right up to me and she looks at me so intensely that it actually freaked me out for a week or so and I was a bit afraid to open the lid to feed them. I have to take my rings or any jewelry off sometimes because she loves to peck at them and now she is getting bigger, she can pinch me pretty good. She loves any freckles on my hands too. "Soooo, to be continued" on this little one.
This is "Sally" she was the one who had a rough start and I had to watch her extra carefully for the first week. She would fall over and then she couldn't get herself up again. We thought she might be a goner. John has REALLY fallen for this one and as you can see in the pics, I had a hard time getting a pic without him in it! She is doing great now and I think she actually might be at the higher end of the pecking order and doesn't let anyone mess with her. She is actually the only one I have seen take any food from the one above who isn't named. She is definitely one of the family faves...
This little one is (like Sally) an "Easter Egg Chick" and so she and Sally look similar. She is pretty even steven and we haven't come up with a name for her yet....We need to see a bit more personality and then maybe we will be inspired!...
So the day we started to build the coop it was pouring down rain and so it was interesting to say the least. We have fun doing it together and since we only had some VERY rough "drawings" it was a team effort to figure it out. We are a bit further along as of today and we post the final coop when it is all done!

So in addition to the chicks and the coop we are busy with, we are getting amped up for the growing season that is fast approaching. During yesterday's 75 degree weather, I was so tempted to want to plant all these beautiful flowers and veggie seeds. But alas, I knew it was a trick!...spring is most definitely not here, but it sure is time for planting anyway. So, I will wait for my end of May date for outdoor planting....and busy myself with my new found hobby of indoor starts. My poor husband is so patient and encouraging to me and isn't bothered at least YET, that we have trays upon trays of seedling starts all over our kitchen. We have been so busy building the chicken coop that now it is time to catch up on the garden while the dirt isn't muddy.

1 comment:
I love it, Kelly! The page is great and your photographs are really good. I enjoyed getting to know the chicks and their personalities!
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