Saturday, April 25, 2009

The "Henthouse"

So this is definitely backdated, so many of you might be confused. We actually finished the coop at the end of April, but just haven't had a chance to put the pics up. I have to say that I learned something new about Alan. I was so impressed with his work. He really did such a good job. We had some "rough" plans, but for the most part, this was our collaboration of ideas, his handy work and my painting.
It's called a "Chicken Tractor". It is designed to be moved around the yard so that it doesn't get totally muddy and worn out. It also makes the cleanup a TON easier!
The basic framing includes three nest boxes and two roosts for the chickens to sleep on. The ladder below goes up at night by pulling the string one the one end. I was a bit over the top with my need for security....I think I was still in the mother hen phase. I even made Alan put little pieces of wood anywhere a sharp piece was.....I think I was a bit over the top;)

Here goes the primer!

As you can see the top part opens for cleaning and easy access to the top portion. We used a clear corrugated roofing so that more light could get in during those dark dreary winter months here in the Northwest. I must also note the very creative boards for holding up the roof and bottom run.
Great Job Alan!

I think they like it!
Note the super cool cedar shingles Alan added. I was serioulsy impressed with this! Right below is the little door for getting the eggs out from the nesting boxes.

First night out all alone! They had to have the light for a couple more weeks untill it warmed up. The chicks are about 7 weeks here. Alan was laughing at me a bit cause for the next week or so, everytime I walked by the window or door I was stare at them for a minute or two. I think I was having a bit of seperation anxiety:(

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