It's October 1, 2022.
It's the beginning of Fall 2022
Since childhood, Fall has always been a marker of sorts
The marker has shifted over my 47 years of life.
As a child, it was a marker of School starting and the Hope that This school year will be Easier
In my 20's the marker still remained a Hopeful season of new beginnings even as I finished college and life as a student.
Becoming a Mom for the first time in the Fall of 2004 Deepened the Marker that Fall was a time of New Beginnings in a whole new way
For almost 4 years Fall was the Dream I had dreamed of...
I lived in the PNW, I had a Family to take to the Pumpkin Patch, ride the Hayrides, 2 little boys to carry around like my own little Pumpkins in a front pack, telling them the tales of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, how some day they will play hide and seek with each other in the cemetery at Connor Prairie, while waiting to get on the Haunted Hayride which will be chased by the Headless Horseman who is looking for Ichabod Crane....and then there's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown...and...
Fall of 2008 showed new Sprouts of life with the Sound of a new Heartbeat...followed with the Loss of that heartbeat. and then another Sprout of a Heartbeat and the Loss of That one as well....
I now knew a tiny bit of what loss of life feels like...I'd never known it like this before.
This Blog was born that year. January of 2009
Sprouts of Life brought me some Healing and a new outlet for Expression
The healing turned into courage to try again and this Courage was just Sprouting as the Fall of 2009 approached
Fall 2009 brought Hope of maybe a new Life..a Sustained life this time
Fall 2009 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer at age 34
Fall 2009 brought a new deeper Marking.
It was true... Fall 2009 Was marked with the Hope of sustained life...
But not a New Life.
It was now the Hope of sustaining My Life.
The beautiful colors I associated with Fall...faded from red, orange and yellow to Neon Pink
Fall was Neon Pink now.
I was Neon Pink now
I used to hear "Kelly, I saw the cutest red plaid flannel the other day and it reminded me of how you always loved Red Flannels in the Fall...."
Now I heard, "Kelly, we always get the pink cup at football games in the Fall and think of you..."
Those dollars...millions and millions of dollars....covered in pink, given to Breast Cancer Research, even in just the last 11 years has never been lost on me.
I know those Pink dollars are helping to save my life.
I will never be able to grasp what my reality would look like without the Sea of Pink.
So many have suffered from Horrible diseases...some with treatments and some without...
I know that Pink....and Breast Cancer Awareness and Research...and Money are linked
I know that my Sustained Life is directly linked to that...
I am deeply grateful for the Pink
But I still missed my old Fall Colors.
I missed them So much...
I Dreaded and even hated the Fall for many years..
Then, the Color of Fall began to return ever so slightly
Fall 2016 I had a Pony Tail again
The Pink football Helmets didn't give me a stomach ache anymore
I was getting closer to 10 years...
The boys would say..."You're Good right? It's not gonna come back.... right Mom?"
Emily, our youngest didn't have any association with her new Mom's cancer.
Emily was born while I was in my third round of Chemotherapy
She entered my life as a Result of her own Loss...A Loss that Wasn't her fault
She became my daughter as a Result of the Shift in my Heart
A Shift that happened as a result of my Loss of Heartbeats...and my Cancer...
So much Light had come from the Dark
I had Started to bravely talk about cancer in past tense
Fall of 2019 I went to the Pumpkin Patch wearing a Red Plaid Flannel.
I didn't see it. I didn't notice it.
My Fall had returned
I had been Cancer Free for 10 years
Fall 2020 produced a Crystal Clear mammogram and I was Struck by my confidence in attending the Oncology apt alone to get the results
I guess a lot of years Have gone by...I think I'm gonna be okay...
and Yet here I am ....
Fall of 2022..Its still so blurry...Its hard to get my footing..How did I get here again?
So I go Back to the Trusty ol Timeline ...
It's been 2 years since My Crystal Clear mammogram. My Final Mammogram
18 months since I found the lump Myself
17 1/2 months since I was diagnosed for a second time with Invasive Breast Cancer
16 months since my double mastectomy
14 months since I tore a ligament in my right foot and wore a boot for 6 weeks
13 months since they removed my ovaries
12 months since they reconstructed me
12 months since I started taking my daily cancer Reoccurrence Prevention medication
5 months since I Broke 2 ribs pulling a Weed
5 months since I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis
3 months since my Bone strength Infusion and Seized
5 weeks since my Brain MRI
4 weeks since my Crystal Clear Brain MRI results
beyond that...its a blur
I know its Fall again...
Fall 2022...I still ....just don't know how I got here...
So how do I find my way Forward again...
Im not sure..But I Want to...
I Want to see Fall 2023...
Where do I Start?
So this space..Sprouts of sure helped me last time...maybe it could help me out again...
So I took another look back at the good old trusty Time Line of this Space....
First blog post on Sprouts of Life was January 11, 2009
Last blog post on Sprouts of Life was January 6, 2010
First blog post on CaringBridge was January 6, 2010
Last blog post on CaringBridge was February 16, 2012
I was reminded as I read over the pages, why I Started this blog in 2009 .
It was in response to Pain
A way to Cope.
It was in Hope that heartbreak and fear wouldn't Swallow me up.
That it would be a place that somehow brought Sprouts of Life... just one short year ....
...lead to a greater need... for an "Extension" .... a Caring Bridge
First Sprouts of Life...My outward expression... served me and prepared a foundation that I never could have known I needed.
It gave me Courage in my Self Expression to create the Bridge...the Caring Bridge that gave me a place to Express...but More than gave a Place for so many to Respond...
They kept me believing I could Survive.
It worked. I'm still here.
The Journal Posts and the Guestbook Entries became a Marker of my Story. It was an encouragement and a reminder of how far I had come and allowed me to celebrate each anniversary and milestone of being cancer free the years that followed my first diagnosis.
Fall 2009 - Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Fall 2011 - 2 years Cancer Free
Fall 2013 - I stopped posting ....Fall 2014 - 5 years Cancer Free......Fall 2019 - 10 years Cancer Free.....
I wanted to Live Cancer Free...Celebrating each year became a reminder...It was a fear that never really went away...Was celebrating each year a reminder of an unnecessary fear.?..
I really wanted to be Fully Free from Cancer...
I also wanted my Husband, my Children my Parents, my Siblings, my In-Laws, my Nieces, my Nephews, my Friends for All of them to be Free of my Cancer too
Fall 2020 - Mammogram confirmed 11 years Cancer Free
I Believed I was Free...I really Did...for 5 months I really did Believe I was Free
March 2021 - Found a new lump
April 2021 - Breast Cancer Diagnosis ...Again.
I felt like Such a Sucker...
Such a Sucker...
Fall of 2021.....0 years Cancer Free....It was a blurrr
Fall of 2022... I don't know if I'm clear.
I don't know if I will ever Know again...I just want to be Okay with that.
Ive Thought about coming to this place and this space over the year...
But this time around... the words haven't come to me like they did before.
It was just Dark.
So Dark.
But it's Fall...
You know.... Ive always loved Fall...
Fall is a chance for new beginnings...New Sprouts of Life...
This took me back to the years we were young moms in Eugene at Grace. Praying for you as you move forward in this journey. Every morning on the way to work I listen to the same song (In Jesus Name by Katy Nichole) and pray it over someone. I will be adding you to my prayer list. Praying for healing and strength but also just a peace to live every day in the moment without overwhelming fear for the next days and steps.
Much Love,
Hillary Kinzel
Your words are beautiful, and raw and even in the darkness, hold onto hope. I continue to keep you deep within my prayers. ~ Liz
Thank you dear one for sharing your heart and I am honored to be one of many witnesses in your healing journey. ✨♥️✨
You are a divine warrior. You were placed on this planet to to shine your incredibly bright light in some less than ideal circumstances.
I feel your grief and your joy- sending you all my love friend!
That last post was from your old friend Betsy 😉
God holds you, has always held you—and has—and is—making solid gold beauty from the heartache and loss, Kelly. Your life is such a radiant testimony to all who know you, of God’s goodness, His lovingkindness, how a life lived trusting in Him, staying with him, no matter what, is a rich, blessed life, full of, not only sprouts of life, but abundant fruit. Thank you for allowing us all to behold what He is doing in you—it makes the journey less dark, and less scary for all of us. We are with you, and we pray for you and yours. Love you, Kristen Gough
Thank you for bravely sharing your heart, Kel. There’s no one else like you, kelly. Not even here in CA 🤗. Big hug!
Kelly thank you for sharing your heart and your realness. I love you dearly
I am always here for you and I will pray for you
Love your dad in law
Sending lots of love to you. ❤️
I love reading your story. Thanks for sharing your journey.
Remember: I love you so much. Got it. Goodnight.
From Brooke ☺️
Loved reading, thanks for sharing your love of Fall and the hard journey in between to the present. Your words are meaningful and are loving to t those around you. Hugs cousin, love Kristyn & Wesley
Best, Erica
Thank you for sharing your life journey. This is so beautiful.
You are a beautiful, courageous, and a woman with strong faith.
When I read your blog, I feel like I am walking with you in the beautiful autumn season, �� I learn so much about you along the way.
Just when life threw us a storm ⛈, you fought back just like the way you row your boat.
You are in my prayer and thoughts!
You have taught us so much about life and not to give up…..
Thank you for sharing your story. I know we haven’t talked in many many years but your post took me back to when we first met all those years ago at Purdue. You were such a kind person then and are such a beautiful soul now. I look forward to reading so much more of your story here for years to come!
Theta Love,
Stefanie W
So powerful… thank you for courageously sharing your journey with us
Oh KT…so real, so scary, so uncertain. Thank you for being vulnerable. I’m praying for healing…for trust…for peace…and for strength. I love you. Cheryl
Praying for you, Kelly.
This is a REAL life. Real journey. Real process. Real voice. I love and care and believe for you Kelly. Bless your hands to write, your heart to feel, your soul to process, and your spirit to soar…for it is seated in heavenly places even though encased in a jar of clay. I believe for you…
Thank you for sharing in such a real way. We loved our times being with you in small group. I loved how you shared so vulnerablely
It took us all to a deeper level. And your blog does too. ❤️🙏
Hi friend. I’m rarely on FB, but when I logged on this morning to check on something else I saw your post... It was early enough that I took a second to verify I wasn’t still asleep having a nightmare — I wonder if you’ve been doing the same lately. Then I hoped maybe I read the FB post wrong, so clicked on the blog link hoping for a different summary, thinking maybe you were reviving the blog to celebrate milestones of health. Instead I’m in two places… First, I’m savoring your way with words as I sit in my tiny living room in Skyway, refusing to believe it’s not still Summer as I shiver, staring out my open window at mist draped over coniferous trees in the distance, fogging my daily view of Rainier. Second, as I celebrate all those milestones of you overcoming heavy things, I’m lamenting the reality of what your beautifully constructed timeline reveals.
Before I clicked on your blog link, I scanned back through a number of your previous FB posts. I know not allll the moments are always represented, but saw the usual markers of LIFE + JOY you have always always always signaled, through the wide variety of life events you’ve experienced. I know you’ve had dark moments — we all have them — but you consistently, fiercely, choose LOVE. It’s astonishing, and a testament to your character, and to your rootedness.
It’s not just because I saw Alan’s forearms on a recent LinkedIn post (I will never ever forget the expression on your face when you told me while you two were dating how much you liked his arms) — you’ve been on my mind. Now I know why.
You have an incredible community around you. And I am here for you, willing to support you however I can.
Cheering you on from the sidelines, Kelly. And praying.
I love you, sweet friend. Anne
Kelly my old friend, thank you for sharing this with us. I too love fall and remember loving it right along with you. Cross country, Halloween, Homecoming, it is definitely a time of grand memories and great times, new beginnings and a continuation of things as well.
I will be thinking of you during this season of intense colors, rich scents, and amazing change! You’ve got this and we’ve all got you.
As a two time breast cancer survivor, I resonate so deeply with this. My first fight with it was Fall of 2020. My red flannels turned to pink flannels also. I chose a double mastectomy as treatment and thought I would be done with it. After all, I didn't have the genetic markers for Cancer. I shouldn't have gotten it in the first place. Then I discovered a lump in my right breast in the Fall of 2022. My Cancer returned. Or never went away. I don't know. But, they cut it out again 6 days ago. I was so cocky...the first time I beat Breast Cancer. I don't feel so confident anymore. I have been humbled. Cancer is a formidable foe. But, I refuse to live in fear. If anything, it has made me live larger and more immediately. For that, I must thank Cancer. We both know now that we are not guaranteed a tomorrow. No one is. Therefore, all I can do is fight like mad in the face of Cancer and live my BEST life. I feel like Cancer really hates that! LOL!
Thank you, Kelly for sharing your journey and your heart for helping others as you navigate this. I wear pink with you, and you are not alone! With love, Jody
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