So I know I have been gone since our wonderful Birthday in July. I found myself in a stage of burnout since starting this wonderful outlet. I decided how can I possible update all the way from July, so I decided that I COULD...and maybe someday I will backdate some of my pics...but for now I wanted to just move on and share a few of the wonderful moments I have experienced in the past few months. Again, I told myself I was only going to spend 15 min max on this post and so the pics are a little out of order....
Our First Egg! 7.26.09 (our anniversary:)
The Cricketwood Inn in Bend Oregon, we stayed there for our 6 year Anniversary;)
Some friend of ours from Seattle are in a band called The Republic. They came to town while on tour and enjoyed some lessons on Beekeeping from their old buddy Alan. It was so fun to see Alan share something that has been such a fun thing for him with his old buddies!

Eli has been nicknamed by his mommy "the Adrenaline Junkie"

My two little Ducklings. What a joy these boys have been to me in recent months. I mean let's be honest...they are a handful. However, they have reached such a fun age. They truly have become good friends. I am beginning to see they really are beginning to learn about each other and about Alan and I. John is really beginning to show a talent and love for building and creating things from anything he can find. He has such a bright mind and it is constantly going. The Lord is challenging me to slow down enough in my own life to embrace this gift in John. The questions and constant "great idea" machine can wear on me even on my best day...but the gift of the glimmer in John's eye when I listen ALL the way through and then say, with sincerity.."what a great idea buddy" is worth it. Since John's earliest days, I have known he has a special heart. I pray so often that I will allow the Lord to teach me to protect and nurture his sweet spirit.
Eli is 2.5 now and I can say I have fallen in love with this boy all over again. His wild blond hair and bright green, blue, grey eyes are so inviting that they are hard to look away from. I can feel the baby in him starting to fade and the boy in him gaining such strength. He has a love for fun and freedom and anything that involves excitement. He is known to wander away and find his own excitement. Many times that excitement might even be found in a corner all alone reading a book. He talks and looks and seems to me that he is sure he can read that book just as well as anyone. He has a strong confidence and independence , but also a caution when it comes to large unfamiliar crowds. He loves balls and any game that involves them. Like his older brother, he has an amazingly deep belly laugh that has made many a passer by stop and notice and giggle to themselves.
They are both such a gift to me and this past year, even with some hard times our family has had, both boys have filled just a place in my heart of absolute joy and wonder at how God has blessed me, it is hard to fathom life any different.

Eli is on the road to being a "Big Boy". He loves his time on the potty and we often use it as times for entertainment for both of us!

Oh how we loved little Miss Ayda Jane (and of course her mommy Kelley too). This little girl has a spark that is magical. She stole both my boys hearts upon arrival and still to this day they haven't forgotten her. We miss her and can't wait to see her again soon!

Ms. Kelley and Miss Ayda experiencing our "Little Farm"

John and Eli were not the only males whose hearts were melted:)

John was on his first
official Sports Team this Fall. Soccer has been a great learning experience for all of us:) John got a kick in the ankle bone during the first game of the season and still talks about it today. I have to say that while soccer might not be his "thing" he showed great progress in both his attitude and his performance. He was willing to go to every practice with a smile on his face and continue to play although he said "I don't like this very much". He was able to continue to hustle and follow his coaches instructions.(even if his arms and chinned dragged on the ground from time to time). He enjoyed his teammates and really liked Coach Andy. He was definitely challenged and it was exciting to see him and Alan and I learn how to navigate "our first team";)

Eli also played TOT soccer this fall. He has shown such interest in soccer that we thought although he is just 2.5, he might enjoy the 3 year old tot soccer. I think we may have been a head of ourselves a bit:) He was so psyched to go to the first practice. He had the cutest tiny shine guards and soccer shoes and he ran over to the kids...and then... the coach said, "okay, parents off the field, kids stay on!" I said "Okay buddy, have fun!" and I turned around and only seconds later, I hear this scream of terror only to turn around and see my brave little boy frozen in terror with tears squirting out his eyes. He just panicked. Now i have to say that there were about 30+ kids on the who can blame the kid, but I could not get him to let go of my leg for the rest of the day. Alan got there shortly after and for that day and the other 3 practices, he was only willing to go on the field with his daddy holding his hand. We will try again next year.....

Here is a little Halloween 2009 preview. These adorable costumes were lent to use by our friend the Kecks. I have never seen such cute boy costumes. They have had a ball for at least a month with these outfits. Eli even came up with a little dance that many have been privileged to see called the Peter Pan "oh yeah" dance. Believe me it is priceless:)